Minor release.
Minor release.
Minor release.
Bug-fix release.
Deep refactoring of Yaafe internals and adding new features to improve ease of use, building and integration into other projects.
Most significant changes:
Default output format is CSV because it does not require any thirdparty library. Use -o and -p options to produce HDF5 output identical to yaafe v0.53 output (see Output format).
HDF5, mpg123, lapack dependencies are optional.
Use Eigen3 instead of Blitz++: Eigen3 is a template library (do not need to compile Blitz++ any more). Eigen3 project is active, and provide sometime better performances than Blitz++ with easier integration.
Python bindings uses ctypes instead of SWIG. No dependency to Python at compile time is required.
C++ API, Python bindings and Matlab bindings to extract features using your favorite language.
Internal computation engine has been improved: better computation scheduling and data buffering, reduce memory usage and improve performances.
Custom features libraries need to upgrade to the new API. Yaafe v0.6 component API is no more compatible with v0.53 component API.